Mar 23 Release (v10)

Announcing Valorx WaveMar 23 Release (V10) Valorx Wave is pleased to announce the March release note which has a noticeably better user experience to provide you with a better product experience.

In this release, we have a new feature and made enhancements with the intention of facilitating the user experience by fixing a few issues.

New Features:

Column Grouping: Column Grouping is a new feature introduced in the Header dropdown. This feature will allow grouping columns of related data together.

  • Click the Header dropdown and select Column Grouping.

  • Select the fields which need to be grouped together.

  • Click Apply to see all the selected columns grouped.

  • Click “Remove column grouping” button to remove the grouping.

Record List: Salesforce users will now be to choose the values of the dependent picklist in salesforce org which will be reflected in the wave app. Record type picklist will allow the users to choose the record type and update information.


Share and Refresh: Share and Refresh buttons will now show on the right-hand.

Date Grouping: Grouping feature for the date has been enhanced which will allow the selection of multiple date literals and group them under a specific category.

  • Click on Group and click on the Date field.

  • Filter as per the requirement either Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.

No Internet Connection: A screen will appear whenever users are disconnected from the internet connection.

Lookup View: Lookup for Custom view or Salesforce View will now show the detailed information of that lookup. It will show the detailed layout and its sections.

Message: A proper message will be displayed when the user exceeds the characters limit in certain fields. Spell check will appear by right-clicking on the text area field.

  • Users will now be able to work on the recently viewed object when the session expires as Wave will now restore the recently viewed object.

Bug Fixes

  • Footer row shows an extra horizontal scroll bar on the bottom in case of a few records which is now fixed.

  • Changing of record type does not change the Dependent picklist values.

  • Header dropdown filter shows an error when we search for a lengthy number, and it moves the pointer to the end when we delete the first digit of the number.

  • Count of the records does not show correctly neither it shows the updated record count when the values are removed from the group.

  • Users were not able to see any recent views when the wave is opened from Extension Menu.

  • Recent Search dropdown changes the format and does not reflect the most recent search.

  • Changes to a date-related field cannot be undone if the focus is on a particular cell.

  • The row number in the grid does not match the row number in the record change dialog when the grouping is enabled.

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