Wave Browser Extension (Chrome, Edge)
A pathway to leverage Tactical and Strategic Salesforce Advantages more easily
Valorx Wave is a productivity enhancement tool for Salesforce. It is available as a browser extension for Chrome and Edge. Below are the guidelines to complete its essential processes, such as installation, login, and access.
Quick Links:
Overall Process Overview
Below is the overall process brief:
Install the Valorx Wave browser extension.
Once you install the Valorx Wave browser extension in any of your browsers, the four sections (Home, Objects, Records, and Reports) of your Salesforce account will show the Wave Floaty icon on the right side of the screen.
Log in to Valorx Wave with your Salesforce account credentials or Valorx credentials from the browser extension or the Wave Floaty icon. If you are a Valorx product user, you should have Valorx credentials. Otherwise, you can create it using your work email ID from the link given on the login screen.
Once logged in, connect your Salesforce Org to Valorx Wave. You can connect multiple Salesforce Orgs if you log in with Valorx credentials.
Access Valorx Wave from your Salesforce account's Wave Floaty icon or browser extension regularly.
The Admin user of an Org can add and manage the Team Members (users) and license plans for the Org in Valorx Wave.
User Roles: Admin User & Standard User
Valorx Wave has two user roles: Admin User and Standard User.
Admin User: If you are the first to install Valorx Wave and connect your Salesforce Org to Valorx Wave, you automatically become an Admin User for that Org with a Free subscription. As an admin user, you can add and manage the other team members (users), share the Admin rights with the other users, purchase/upgrade Valorx Wave Subscriptions, and assign licenses to the other users.
Standard User: Valorx Wave denotes the non-admin users as Standard users. If you are a Standard User, you need to contact the admin user if you need to purchase or upgrade your Wave Subscription.
Installation Process
You can install the Valorx Wave browser extension from the Edge or Chrome browser. Please follow the steps below to do so:
Search for Valorx Wave or Valorx Wave browser extension in Edge or Chrome. Click on the Chrome webstore link.
The browser extension screen for Valorx Wave will open, as shown in the image below. Click Get.
A confirmation pop-up message will appear. Click Add extension.
The Valorx Wave browser extension will be added to your browser. A message will prompt you to pin the extension.
If you pin the extension, you can access it directly from your browser's Title Bar.
If you don't pin the extension, you can still access it. Click on the Browser Extension icon and then the Valorx Wave browser extension. However, we recommend you pin it for easy access.
Click on the Valorx Wave browser extension. The Login screen will appear. You can log in with Salesforce credentials or Valorx credentials.
Please Note:
Once you download it, the four sections (Home, Objects, Records, and Reports) of your Salesforce account will show the Wave Floaty icon on the right side of the screen. You can also click the Wave Floaty icon to:
Log in for the first time
Access Valorx Wave regularly
However, the Wave Floaty will show the screen-specific navigation links once logged in. You can use both, the browser extension and Wave Floaty to log in and access Valorx Wave.
Log in with Salesforce Credentials
Salesforce credentials are the login ID and password you use to log into your Salesforce account. You can use them to log into Valorx Wave, too. Please follow the steps below.
Click on Login with Salesforce.
The Login pop-up screen will appear. Enter your Salesforce login ID and password and click Log in.
You will see a welcome message. To continue, click Connect with salesforce org. This action will connect your Salesforce Org and Valorx Wave, and you will be navigated to the Valorx Wave Dashboard, where you can handle all Salesforce operations.
The next screen will open in the Sandbox environment if you check the Sandbox checkbox. This feature is for software developers and programmers. Otherwise, please avoid using it.
Use the Settings link to view your additional Orgs.
Log in with Valorx Credentials
If you are a Valorx product user, you should have Valorx credentials.
You can connect multiple Salesforce Orgs if you log in with Valorx credentials. Please use the credentials based on your requirements.
Click on Login with Valorx.
The Login to Valorx screen will appear. Enter Valorx ID and password. Click Log in.
You will see a welcome message. To continue, click Connect with salesforce org. This action will connect your Salesforce Org and Valorx Wave, and you will be navigated to the Valorx Wave Dashboard, where you can handle all Salesforce operations.
Create Valorx Account
If you don't have a Valorx ID and password, you can create them within a few clicks.
Click Create an account in the 'Login to Valorx' screen.
The Sign up to Valorx screen will appear. Enter your work email and click Continue.
In the next screen, enter your Name, the password you wish to have for your Valorx account, and your company name. Click Sign up.
You will receive an email with a verification link to your work email. Click on the link and verify your account.
Your Valorx account will be created. You can log in to Valorx Wave using its credentials, where the user name will be your work email ID, and use the password you entered when creating a Valorx account.
Once you log in to Valorx Wave, please connect your Salesforce Org with Valorx Wave.
Login with Experience Cloud
Logging into Wave using Experience Cloud is a straightforward process that allows Community Cloud users to access Wave and utilize its features seamlessly. Follow the steps below to log in and start exploring the capabilities of Wave.
Click Login to Experience Cloud: Start by clicking on the login option for Experience Cloud.
Enter the Experience Cloud URL: Type the URL of your organization's Experience Cloud site into your browser's address bar.
Click the Arrow Button: After entering the URL, click the arrow button to proceed.
Enter Salesforce Username and Password: Input your Salesforce username and password in the appropriate fields.
Click Log In: After entering your credentials, click the "Login" button to proceed.
Explore Wave: You are now logged into Wave via Experience Cloud. Explore the features and tools available to you based on your access level.
Manage Team Members (Users)
The admin user of an Org can manage the team members (users) for the Org in Valorx Wave by performing the following actions:
Again, below is the information about the user roles.
Admin User: If you are the first to install Valorx Wave and connect your Salesforce Org to Valorx Wave, you automatically become an admin user for that Org with a Free subscription. As an admin user, you can add and manage the other team members (users), share the Admin rights with the other users, purchase/upgrade Valorx Wave Subscriptions, and assign licenses to the other users.
Standard User: Valorx Wave denotes the non-admin users as Standard users. If you are a Standard User, you need to contact the admin user if you need to purchase or upgrade your Wave Subscription.
Add/Invite Team Members (Users) to Wave
You can add/invite a Team Member (user) using either Invite in the Left Panel or through Settings in User Profile. Please follow the steps below to add a Team Member (user).
Click on Invite in the Left Panel.
The Invite your colleagues to Valorx Wave pop-up screen will appear showing the list of all Salesforce Org users for the connected Org. Invite the desired Team Member if they are still to be invited.
The invited Team Member will get an email with a link to download the Valorx Wave browser extension. They can install the browser extension, follow the login process, and connect the Salesforce Org with Valorx Wave. Since all invited users have connected the same Salesforce Org with Valorx Wave, they can collaborate through Valorx Wave, too.
You can also use the Invite button shown in the Team Members section of the Settings screen to open the Invite your colleagues to Valorx Wave pop-up screen.
The list of all added team members will be visible in the Team Members section of the Settings screen.
Manage Team Members (Users)
The Team Members section of the Settings screen shows the list of all added team members. You can see their details such as Name (name and email ID), Subscription (Free, Standard, or Professional), Access (Admin user or Standard user)
You can perform the following actions from the Actions column:
Promote a team member to an admin user or remove a team member from being an admin and make them a standard user
Activate or Deactivate the user
Assign or revoke the Valorx Wave license
Manage Subscriptions
Use the Subscription section of the Settings screen to handle the Subscription Management-related activities, such as purchasing a Valorx Wave subscription and managing the subscriptions if you are an admin user.
Need more information about user roles? Click here.
Purchase a Subscription
The following areas show the Upgrade link used for purchasing the subscription:
Home screen
User Profile drop-down
Subscription section in the Settings screen
Please follow the steps below to purchase a Wave Subscription plan.
1. The Upgrade button in Subscription is shown in the image below. Click Upgrade.
2. The Wave Subscription Plans screen will appear.
In the Wave Subscription Plans screen, you can:
Compare the Subscription plans. Hovering on a feature's name will show more information about the feature where applicable.
Click Buy Now to purchase the plan.
3. When you click on Buy Now, the Payment Details screen will open.
Please fill in the appropriate information in each field.
Billing Period: The billing period is yearly by default
Paid Seats: Enter the number of licenses you want to buy
Work email: Enter your work email
Payment Details: Enter the card information
Order Summary: Review the Order
4. Once satisfied, click Review Order.
5. The payment will be processed, and the success message will appear once the payment is successful. You can start using your upgrades.
In case of errors such as invalid card details, incomplete information, or payment failure, the screen will show the respective error message. Please read the instructions and resolve the error.
6. Thereafter, if you wish to buy additional licenses and empower a greater number of team members to achieve higher productivity, you can do it using Buy more from the Subscription section in Settings.
Other Information
When does Wave prompt you to purchase/upgrade the subscription?
When you utilize 100% of your allowed data updates for the monthly cycle and still try to update more in the Grids screen, it will show a pop-up message with the Upgrade link.
In this case:
If you are a standard user and click on the Upgrade link, the screen will show the pop-up message: Please contact Admin to Upgrade License. And the admin user will get an email notifying them about your information and requirements.
If you are an admin user and click on the Upgrade link, the Wave Subscription screen will appear.
Quick Questions about Installation Login & Access
Last updated