Terms to help you deepen your Valorx Wave understanding
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Terms to help you deepen your Valorx Wave understanding
Last updated
Objects are database tables that allow us to store data specific to the organization in Salesforce. There are two types of objects in Salesforce: Standard Objects & Custom Objects.
Standard Objects are provided by salesforce.com. For example, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Leads, Products, Campaigns, Cases, Users, Contracts, Reports, etc.
Custom Objects are the objects created by the user.
Valorx Wave allows operations on both types of objects.
Note: You don't create any Objects in Valorx Wave, you just process them. You create Grids in Valorx Wave.
The Grid is an outlook of objects on your screen.
In Valorx Wave, you can grid your data how you want and save it as a Grid. There are two types of Grids in Valorx Wave: Standard Grid and Custom Grid.
When you open a Salesforce Object and view it in the way it is, it becomes a Standard Grid. Valorx Wave denotes a Standard Grid using the icon:
When you make any change to a Standard Grid or create a new Grid, it becomes a Custom Grid. Valox Wave denotes a Custom Grid using the icon:
Grids screen where you see, process, and manage all your Salesforce Standard Grids and Valorx Wave Custom Grid.
Wave Ribbon is the row of tabs, icons, and a search bar at the top of the Grid screen, allowing you to use the various Grid features.
The Wave Spreadsheet Area is a part of the Grid screen that consists of cells in rows and columns and can help view, arrange, edit, and sort records.
A lookup is generally an act of looking something up.
In the world of technology, a Lookup relationship involves finding the value of a field based on the value of another field in another object. Most of the time, it is used when two objects share data.
In Valorx Wave, Lookup is a feature that enables you to look for records related to the current record in one way or another.
Related List is a feature in the Grid screen. A related list displays a list of related records from different objects containing similar information to the current record.