Jan 23 Release (v8)

Announcing Valorx WaveJan 23 Release (V8)

Valorx Wave is excited to announce the eighth release note in which we have made enhancements and fixed a few issues to give you all a better product experience.


Context Menu: Added “Clone selected records” under the context menu which will help users to clone multiple records at a time. Select the records and right click to find the clone option.

Login: Users will now be able to log in from Wave when the session expires instead of going back to Salesforce to log in. A message will pop up which will have the Org name and a session expired message. Click on "Click here" and provide the Salesforce login credentials. This allows to refresh the session if user is already logged in.

  • Introduced Spell check option to check any spelling errors in the text area field.

Custom View: Enhanced Custom Views and users will now be able to create new custom views from the View selector and Object picker from the scratch.

  • Click "Create new view" hyperlink from View Selector or from the Object Picker.

  • Select the Field Name, and Datatype and click Ok. Click "Show Unused" toggle to see the unused fields.

  • Provide the Description and Click Save.

Condition: Conditional Formatting grouping has been enhanced where users will be able to add the color formatting to a cell or a range of cells which will change the appearance of the cell based on the condition provided. Color Bar will configure and display the colors based on the values.

  • Click "Add a condition group" and provide the condition as per the requirement.

  • Click Edit and the "Apply color condition" window will open.

  • Provide the condition and click Ok.

Object Picker: Object Picker has been enhanced which will now show the most common Salesforce objects when users search for any object and all other objects will be hidden. Users can find all the other objects under "See more". Users have "See less" option to hide the other objects.

  • Search for the object from the header Object picker and now click See more.

  • Now, users can find all the Salesforce objects.

Permission Set: The Permission set menu has been enhanced which will now display the Fewer Permission set instead of displaying all the permission when the user accesses the Wave using the Connect button from the Extension Main Menu.

  • Click "Click here" and provide the login credentials.

  • Now, click Allow to provide access.

Bug Fixes

  • Related list autofit columns are not working properly.

  • 'Remove Field' option does not work properly while removing a field from the grid.

  • Read-only lookup fields which should not allow users to edit are editable which is now fixed.

  • Header filter creates duplicate records when users try to filter the records having datatype Number, Description, and double.

  • Second level launcher is not visible for the Related list.

  • Related list launcher popup does not close after clicking outside or changing the view or changing the object and also it flashes on the Standard View.

  • Related list does not display the related objects.

  • Users found too many describe calls for Task and Events objects when and faced the same issue even after clearing the storage.

  • A 'refresh confirmation' message pops up after renaming a custom view and refreshing using the refresh button.

  • View Selector does not display the duplicated Standard View and it does not close the popup. A hard refresh is required to view the newly created Custom View.

  • Standard view does not display the “Create New View” option.

  • Data Type specific filter is not working with In and Between operators.

  • Salesforce Account details window does not wrap the user name.

  • Magnifying glass does not appear in the lookup field for new records.

  • Files uploaded to attachments are not visible in the document section.

  • Object Selector does not display the correct result while searching the object.

  • Related List does not remember the resized pinned window.

  • Red color indicator does not display beside the record when there is an issue in saving the records.

  • “One or more validation errors occurred” message displays while refreshing the page.

Last updated