Aug 23 Release (v20)

About the August Release

August 2023 (V20) release is more about bringing vision into action. In this release, there are three enhancements:

1. New Subscription plans are announced.

2. The Settings screen is revamped for better user experience.

3. Payment workflow completed using a secure Payment Gateway.

Team Valorx is on a mission to create the fastest Salesforce experience for everyone. The new Subscription plans are a reflection of this vision. The revamped Settings screen and Payment workflow would make it easy to administer those plans.

User Roles:

The Payment and Subscription Management processes will be handled using the user roles Admin User and Standard User.

Admin User: When a user is the first to install Valorx Wave and connect Salesforce Org to Valorx Wave, the user automatically becomes an admin user for that Org with a Free subscription. - The admin user can add and manage other team members (users), purchase/upgrade Valorx Wave Subscriptions, and assign licenses to the other users.

Standard User: Valorx Wave denotes the non-admin users as Standard users. The Standard User needs to contact the admin user if they need to purchase or upgrade their Wave Subscription.

Enhancement Details

1. New Subscription plans are announced.

There are three Subscription plans now: Free, Standard, and Professional.

  • A new user will automatically get a Free subscription, including access to major Valorx Wave features.

  • The admin user can purchase/upgrade their Valorx Wave Subscription through the secure payment gateway system available in the Valorx Wave's Settings screen.

2. The Settings screen is revamped for better user experience.

The new Settings screen makes User Management and Subscription Management processes easy. It has four sections: General, Team Members, Subscriptions, and Advanced.

General: The General section shows the user's basic details like Name, Email ID, Company Name, and Salesforce Org details.

Team Members: The Team Members section is for the User Management related activities such as adding and deactivating the user, sharing the Admin right to a user, and assigning or revoking a Valorx Wave license.

Subscription: The Subscription section is for the Subscription Management related activities such as purchasing a Valorx Wave Subscriptions and managing the subscriptions using the four tabs with editable information: Overview, Invoices, Billing Information, and Payment Methods.

Advanced: The Advanced section enables the user to perform advanced-level actions such as refreshing metadata, clearing storage, setting the size (number) of records they want to view per page, setting the size of row grouping per view, and viewing Logs.

The admin user with Free, Standard, or Professional subscription can perform the following actions from the Settings screen:

  • Purchase a Valorx Wave Subscription

  • Add other team members (users)

  • Add and Deactivate the users

  • Share the Admin right with the other users

The admin user with a Standard or Professional subscription can perform the following additional actions from the Settings screen:

  • Upgrade Valorx Wave Subscription

  • Assign and revoke Valorx Wave licenses to the other team member (user)

3. Payment workflow completed using a secure Payment Gateway

The Payment workflow will initiate when the admin user clicks Upgrade from Dashboard, User Profile, or Subscriptions in the Settings screen.

When the admin user and clicks on the Upgrade link, the Wave Subscription Plans screen will appear.

In the Wave Subscription Plans screen, the admin user can:

  1. Compare the Subscription plans. Hovering on a feature's name will show more information about the feature where applicable.

  2. Click Buy Now to purchase the plan.

Clicking on Buy Now, the Payment Details screen will open.

The Payment Details screen shows the following fields/sections:

Billing Period: The billing period is yearly by default

Paid Seats: The admin user enters the number of licenses they want to buy

Work email: The admin user enters their work email

Payment Details: The admin user enters the card information

Order Summary: The admin user reviews the Order

Review Order: The admin user clicks it to process the order

The success message will appear once the payment is successful.

In case of errors such as invalid card details, incomplete information, or payment failure, the screen will show the respective error message. The admin user can read the instructions and resolve the error.

Bug Fixes

  • Mass Modifier related fixes:

-> Mass Modifier works error-free with the records imported using Smart Import.

-> Mass Modifier now saves the changes made for the Boolean fields.

  • Switching the View when editing the records in the Grid View screen works accurately.

  • Now records don't disappear when adding a new row and saving it in the Related List field.

  • Multiple open lookup overlays don't overspread each other now.

  • The user can customize the colors in Color Bar when applying the Conditional Formatting.

  • The Filter and Condition features will show the error message if the user has left the mandatory fields incomplete when using them.

Last updated