

The Matrix feature enables users to connect and display data from multiple Salesforce objects within a single view. With an Excel-like interface, it allows users to view and bulk edit data using grid-like capabilities. Matrix supports data summarization at group and sub-group levels and provides dynamic column grouping with one or multiple dimensions.

Matrix designers or admins can create new matrices, while standard users can run these matrices and make changes to Salesforce data in the unique visualization experience.

Salesforce users can monitor monthly sales data by product category or region, manage complex quoting across locations or period, forecasting, demand planning and so much more using the Matrix feature.

The Valorx Matrix feature enables users to connect and display data from multiple Salesforce objects within a single view. You can create a matrix using the following options:

  • 3-Object Matrix: For Quoting and Sales Forecasting, Pricebook Management

  • 2-Object Matrix: For Opportunity and Forecasting Schedules

  • 1-Object Matrix: For Forecasting using Fact tables across customers

Excel-Like Interface for Matrix Management

Effortlessly view and bulk edit your Matrix data using an interface similar to Excel. Take advantage of numerous productivity features to efficiently manage forecasts, schedules, and any Matrix:

  • Data Aggregation

  • Telescoping

  • Column Grouping

  • Mass Modifiers

  • Dynamic Measures

Valorx Matrix User Roles

The Valorx Matrix feature includes two user roles: Designer and Standard.

  • Designer Role: Designers have the ability to create new matrices, manage data rendering, and customize the selection experience for users.

  • Standard Role: Standard users can run existing matrices and interact with Salesforce data through the Matrix’s unique visualization, making updates directly within the interface.

Matrix Home Screen

The Matrix home screen presents an overview of recent matrices and allows users to create a new matrix. It is also showing your recent record selection to easily open your matrix with your previously used dataset. Users can search, clone, edit and run different matrices from the home screen.

Matrix Configuration

Matrix configuration is a three-step process. As you configure your matrix, your will see a preview of it at the bottom.

  1. Layout The Layout section allows users to define the fields for the Row (Y-axis), Column (X-axis), and Data objects that will be plotted in the Matrix.

  1. Settings In the Settings section, users can customize aggregation, operations, detail views, and field settings to enhance data insights within each cell.

    • Data Grouping: Choose to sum, average, or count the data.

    • Timeline: Select intervals for data grouping.

    • Orientation: Apply horizontal or vertical orientation to data object fields.

    • Detail View Popup: Build detailed views for records.

    • Field Settings: Control access to data object fields.

  1. Record Selection The Record Selection feature allows users to filter and narrow down data in the Matrix based on the sequence of objects chosen for the rows (Y-axis) and columns (X-axis).

    • Initial Selection: This step involves filtering records for the primary object (Row). Users can choose specific records related to the primary object, such as selecting products from the Opportunity Product list.

    • Subsequent Selection: After the initial selection, users can filter records for the secondary object (Column). For instance, users can select price books from the Line Item Schedule list.

    In this section, users can also configure filters, display fields, and search fields to refine the data shown in the Matrix.

Matrix Runtime

After configuring the matrix, users can view and edit data in a grid-like interface. This interface supports dynamic measures, conditions, and mass modifications.

Once the matrix has been configured, it is ready for standard users to work on. The runtime experience is designed for standard users who directly interact with the runtime view of the matrix. Users can edit data according to the settings applied during configuration.

Features of run mode of Matrix

Primarily this will be available for all the standard Users

  1. Recent:

    • Displays a list of recently viewed records.

    • This list is also shown on the home screen as Matrix cards.

  1. Dynamic Measure:

    • In this tab, users can see the data object fields.

    • Users can view all fields together or one field at a time.

    • Fields can be viewed horizontally or vertically, based on the orientation set by the designer during matrix configuration.

Example of Vertical Orientation:

Example of Horizontal Orientation:

  1. Telescoping:

    • Available when a Date field is present on the x-axis.

    • Allows users to zoom in and out from years to quarters to months.

    • Aids in data forecasting.

After configuring the matrix, users can view and edit data in a grid-like interface.

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