An intelligent way of importing records from Excel
Last updated
An intelligent way of importing records from Excel
Last updated
The Smart Import feature lets you import the records from Excel sheets, map them to their respective fields, and save them in Salesforce. What makes Smart Import unique is:
Note: Import does not support - Read-only fields, Related fields, Record type, Attachments, and Formula fields.
You can access the Smart Import feature from two points:
From the Import tab in the Left Panel
From the Smart Import window in Feature Spotlight on the Home screen.
You can perform three types of operations using Smart Import: Insert, Update, and Upsert.
Smart Import feature enables you to insert, update, or upsert your Excel file records in an Object in their respective fields using the Import operation.
For example, if you have a list of E-mail IDs, you can insert them in the Account Object with their respective Account name fields.
File Upload: You can upload the file you wish to import using a simple Drag & Drop or by browsing and selecting the file from the system.
Recent Imports: This shows the details of the import operation performed earlier. If required, you can repeat the same operation by clicking 'Import again.'
Recent Mapping: This includes the details of the mapping operations performed recently. For example, if you have recently performed an insert operation on the Account object, the Recent Mapping section will display the same operation. If required, you can repeat any specific mapping operation performed recently by clicking 'use mapping.'
A brief video showcases Smart Import's cool functionality in action 😎.
Insights: It shows key highlights, such as the number of records imported, the average no. of records imported per file, and the most preferred Object for Import.
Below is a brief process overview of the steps you should follow for the import operation.
Upload an Excel file with records.
Select a Salesforce Object (Standard or Custom) in which you want to import the records.
Wave will map the fields automatically and show them as Mapped Fields. This means it decides which records in the Excel file should be placed in which field of the Object. For example, suppose you have a column Account Names in your Excel file, and you have selected the Opportunity Object. In that case, Wave will map the Excel’s Account Name field with the Opportunity Object’s Account Name field and, eventually, place all Excel’s account names to Opportunity’s account names.
You can change the mapping if required. If any fields are still unmapped due to any reasons, you can map them manually.
Set your preferences such as:
-> Review Lookup Validations before importing
-> After successful import, Save as Wave Grid
-> Pause the saving process if any error occurs (Applicable for Direct Import).
Wave will show a Preview of your import.
Make changes/edits in the Preview if required.
Confirm Import.
Wave will import all your Excel records and save them into the selected Salesforce Object's respective fields.
The Insert operation enables you to insert new records into Salesforce. Please follow the steps below to perform the Insert operation.
Import the Excel file with records using Smart Import.
Perform the Insert operation in Smart Import and save massive records in Salesforce in a few clicks.
The Update operation enables you to update the existing records in Salesforce. Please follow the steps below to perform the Update operation.
Download the Excel file from Salesforce using the Data Export feature.
Update the desired records in the Excel file.
Import the Excel file using the Valorx Wave Smart Import, perform the Update operation, and save the edits in Salesforce effortlessly.
You need the Salesforce Record ID to perform the Update operation. If you use Excel without Salesforce Record IDs, an error will occur.
Practically, it is time-consuming to find Salesforce Record IDs and add them in Excel. Therefore, using a standalone Excel to perform the Update operation is not recommended.
The Upsert operation enables you to add more records (data) to a pre-existing set of records.
The Upsert operation will update an existing record if applicable and insert a new record field with data if it doesn't already exist.
Please follow the steps below to perform the Upsert operation.
Import the Excel file with records using Smart Import.
Perform the Upsert operation using Salesforce's External ID in Smart Import and save massive records in Salesforce in a few clicks.
How to get Salesforce External ID:
Please follow the steps below to get the Salesforce External ID:
Login to Salesforce and open the Home section. Click on the Setup button and click Setup.
Open Object Manager and select the required Object.
Open the Fields and Relationships section and find the field already specified as an external ID. You can find the External ID field by viewing the Data Type column of the fields. For example, in the image below, the Main Competitor is the External ID.
You can designate another field as an External ID if you want. Here is how:
Click on the field name you want to designate as an External ID and click Edit.
Check the External ID checkbox in the General Options section as shown below:
Salesforce allows three types of External IDs: Text, Email, and Number
Please follow the following steps to import the records using Smart Import.
Initiate the importing process by clicking on the Import tab in the Left Panel or the Smart Import window in the Feature Spotlight section on the Home screen.
-> Select the Excel file you wish to import the records from your computer and upload it. The Select Source for Import screen will open. The importing process has three stages: Import - Match - Settings.
The Select Source for Import screen shows the Import screen when it opens as shown in the image below.
The importing process has three stages: Import - Match - Settings. You will see these three screens during the process of importing.
The Imported files section shows the file that you have imported. You can use the Delete icon to delete the file if a wrong file is uploaded.
Use the Object field to search the object to import the records to. For example, if you want to import records to the Account object, search for Account.
You can choose any operations from Insert, Update, and Upsert. You can choose multiple operations too. Please ensure to read Insert Vs. Update Vs. Upsert before performing any operation.
Once you have selected the operation, click Next. The Match screen will open.
The Match screen will show the list of all mapped fields.
The Title Bar in the screen shows selected Object and Operation.
Use the Preview toggle button to expand and collapse the field rows. By turning the button ON, you can view the first three records contained in each column.
The left-hand side column shows the Excel's field names, whereas the right-hand side column headers show the respective Salesforce Object fields with which the mapping is done. The Mapped button indicates Wave has mapped the Excel fields to their corresponding fields in the selected Salesforce Object.
Please check if the Excel record fields are mapped with your desired Object fields. If you want to change any automatically mapped fields, click on the Unmap icon shown in the image below.
The Map this field drop-down will appear if any field cannot be mapped or you click the Unmap icon.
Mapping the Fields manually:
Click on the Map this field drop-down and select applicable Salesforce Object field to map it with the Excel records.
Again, mapping means you decide which records in the Excel file should be placed in which field of the Object. For example, suppose you have a column Account Name in your Excel file and selected the Opportunity Object. You need to map the Excel’s Account Name field with the Opportunity Object’s Account Name field so that, eventually, Wave can place all Excel’s account names to Opportunity’s account names.
Mapping fields using Lookup Via:
Whether it is manual mapping or automatic mapping, a Lookup Via checkbox will appear wherever applicable.
The Lookup Via checkbox appears because the mapped field is a lookup field with a Lookup relationship that involves finding the value of a field based on the value in another field in another object.
The Lookup Via checkbox lets you fetch the applicable fields corresponding to the record values in your Excel file’s field.
For example, suppose you have the Account Name field in your Excel file records and selected the Parent Account ID field from Salesforce's Object. In that case, the Lookup Via checkbox will appear because the Parent Account ID field is a Lookup field.
You must check the Lookup Via checkbox, use the drop-down, and select any other field to map it with the Account Name field.
Once you are satisfied with mapping, click Next. The Settings screen will appear.
The Settings screen shows the mapping details such as Mapping Name, No of Records, Mapped Fields, Object, Operation, and Batch Size.
It will also show the following checkbox:
Click Previous to go back to the previous screen, click Import to import the records, and click Preview and Import to see the preview before the actual import.
It is recommended to click Preview and Import for more clarity and accuracy, and it will open the Smart Import preview screen.
You have flexibility to make last minute changes here if required. Click on the field to see a drop-down specific to that field if applicable. For example, Industry Type, Account Type. Use it to edit the records if required.
Once satisfied with the records, click Import.
Possible errors and resolution:
If critical errors occur during the process, such as any 'External ID/IDs missing', the screen will prompt an error message with a possible solution. Follow the instructions for the resolution of errors and click Import.
Once your file is ready after mapping the respecting fields and you click on Import / Preview & Import, the Smart Import screen will display the errors and a message containing the information regarding the errors. Please follow the message instructions and resolve the errors.
Let us see an example to understand the complete process of importing records using Smart Import:
Suppose you want to import a spreadsheet into the New Contact object of Salesforce. Follow the steps below.
Initiate the importing process by clicking the Import tab in the Left Panel.
Select the Excel file you wish to import the records from your computer and upload it. The Select Source for Import screen will open (also known as Import screen). In this case, we have selected Contacts sheet.xlsx.
Select the Object where you want to import the records and the required operation - Insert, update, upsert, or a combination of these. Here, we have selected the New Contact object and the Insert operation.
The Match screen will show the list of all mapped fields.
The Contact Name field has remained unmapped in the image above. You can map it manually. Click on the Map this field drop-down and select applicable Salesforce Object field to map it with. In this case, you can map it with the Wave's field: Contact Name.
The Excel's field Website is automatically mapped with the Account Name field, which is a Lookup field, and hence it shows the Lookup Via checkbox. You must check the Lookup Via checkbox, use the drop-down, and select any other field to map it with the Website field.
Note: In this case, the Lookup field Account Name is mapped automatically. However, if it is not mapped automatically, you can also select it manually.
Once satisfactory mapping is done, click Next.
The Settings screen will appear. It shows various mapping details along with related checkboxes.
Let's check the 'After successful import Save as Wave Grid's checkbox. This allows you to save the imported file as a Wave Grid, which can be worked on later.
Click Preview & Import.
The Smart Import Preview screen will open. It shows a Preview of your import. You can make changes/edits in the Preview if required before import.
We have mapped the Excel's Website field with the Account Name Lookup field and then selected the Website field from the Lookup Via drop-down. Therefore, the Account Name field in the above image shows account names corresponding to the records in the Website field.
Once satisfied with the records, click Import. The records will be successfully imported into the Account object in Salesforce.
Because we selected the checkbox 'After successful import Save as Wave Grid' on the Settings screen, the imported records will be saved as a Custom Grid named New Contact Insert. You can access it from the Grids of Object drop-down.