App Promotion and Provisioning
App Promotion and Provisioning are two different features of Valorx Fusion Design Studio through which users can promote the Apps and also provide access control to various Apps. Users with Mac and Google Sheets will now be able to manage the App Assignment with our Fusion Managed Package.
App Promotion Promote the Apps to Salesforce Org
App Provisioning in Design Studio Provide Access Control to Users and Profiles
App Assignment Google Sheet and Mac users will manage the Access Control through App Assignment.
Valorx Fusion Dashboard Information and count of all the Fusion Apps.
Launch Valorx App from the Lightning Record page Launch an App from a particular Record Page
Launch Valorx App - From Anywhere Launch an App anywhere as per your requirement.
App Promotion
App promotion is a feature wherein Design Studio users can promote one or many Apps to one or many Salesforce Orgs. App promotion is available within Valorx Design Studio and user would need Design Studio user access and permission set to perform this action.
App Promotion is nothing but creating a copy of an App from one connection to another connection. Once an app is promoted changes can be made in both the connections. However, changes made in one connection will not reflect on another connection.
Users should have at least two active connections to promote the app. Users will receive the below validation message when they are connected to only one connection.
On the Start window, find the button which says Promote App(s). Make sure you are connected to your source and target Salesforce Orgs.
On the Promote App(s) window, simply move apps from left (source org) to right (target org) and click on Promote.
Backup App(s)
Backup App(s) will create a backup file for the apps which are marked as backup apps. Users can back up more than one app at one time. This will help users when the app is lost or deleted.
To create the backup of the apps users' needs to be on the connections page and on the bottom of the screen users can find the Backup App(s).
Click Backup App(s) and a window will open which will have the information of all the apps for that org Id.
Click on the app which needs to backup and that particular app will show on the right hand side. Click Backup.
A window will open which will have the location of the file. Click Ok.
Users can always change the file location by just clicking on the Change besides the backup location.
Restore App(s)
Restore Apps will store the deleted apps. This will restore the apps to the Org Id. Select Restore App(s) which will lead the users to the restore apps window. Select the location by clicking on Browse Backup location. Select the app which needs to be restored and click Restore.
App Provisioning in Design Studio
App provisioning will allow company to control the access to various apps. It is also referred as Access Control. Apps can be assigned to users and profiles. App provisioning is available within Valorx Design Studio and user would need Design Studio user access and permission set to perform this action.
On the Start window, find the App for which you would like to provision access. Click on the App Admin icon against the app. This will open the App's Details window.
App Provisioning in Salesforce
Users who are not using App Admin or Valorx Admin should only follow the below steps.
Login to Salesforce, and go to Salesforce App Launcher, and search for Valorx.
Click on Valorx now go to the “Apps” tab and switch to “All” list view.
Find the desired App record in the list and click on it. Click Related tab and, click on New on the Access Controls related list.
Search with a User OR a Profile that you want to assign this app. Repeat this step for all Users or Profiles that need to be assigned to this App. Once the assigning is done click Save.
Fusion Managed Package
App Assignment
Valorx App Assignment provides access control for Fusion Apps through the Valorx Home page in Salesforce. Users with Windows are used to control the access to various apps in Design Studio which is referred to as Access Control. Users with Mac and Google Sheets will now be able to manage the App Assignment with this new feature.
Log in to Salesforce with your credentials.
Go to Valorx from the Salesforce App Launcher.
Click the Home Page of the Valorx App for Lightning Experience, you will find the top section of Valorx Apps. This section allows users to provide additional access control.
Valorx Apps section contains the App Names, number of Users, and Profiles who have access to the app along with options to view the list of users or profiles and the option to add additional users and profiles.
Click "Users" or "Profiles" under Assign to assign the users and profiles. A list of users or profiles will open now, check-in in the user or profile which you want to add and click Add User or Add Profile.
Click "Users" or "Profiles" under View to view the assigned users and profiles. A window will open which will have all the information related to users or profiles as per the selection made.
Admins can choose to remove User / Profiles using the Remove Users / Profiles option available respectively in View Users and Profiles.
A search option is available to make it easy while assign apps to the users.
Back to App List will take the user back to the Valorx Apps page.
Valorx Fusion Dashboard
Valorx Fusion Dashboard is a single view of all your Apps, App details and user licenses. Valorx Fusion Dashboard has been divided into three different sections to make it easy and it displays the total number of apps, licenses, and recently modified apps.
Total Valorx Fusion Apps: This will show the number of Fusion Apps in the Salesforce Org.
Distribution of User License Type - Design + Runtime / Runtime Express: It will show the number of users and their license type whether it is Design Studio, Runtime, or Runtime Express.
Recent Valorx Apps: This will contain information related to the latest modified apps.
Refresh your dashboard to see the latest changes to it. A warning will display if you do not refresh the dashboard in 24 hours.
Launch Valorx App from the Lightning Record page
In addition to the Quick Action option available for Launching Valorx Apps from CRM we have provided an additional click and point option in the Lightning App Builder to Apps and Workflows directly in Valorx Fusion. This Lightning Web Component accesses the Record ID. Users will now be able to configure Valorx "Launch from CRM" buttons with minimum user inputs.
Open Setup from right hand side and search for Lightning App Builder.
Open a Record Page Layout in Lightning App Builder.
On the left-hand side menu Users/Salesforce Administrators will find “Launch Valorx App” under the Custom Managed title.
Now drag and drop “Launch Valorx App”.
You will get a list of properties you can configure for this Lightning Web Component.
In the properties, provide an appropriate Label and select the App from the pick list.
Get the Workflow ID from Fusion Design Studio and paste that in the Workflow ID in the textbox.
Note: Context Id is optional, and it will pick up the current record's context Id. Users can provide a different context Id when it does not match by checking in the checkbox "Have a different Context ID?".
Click Save.
Go back to the page and click on the Lightning Web Component visible with the Label you have selected, this will Launch Valorx Fusion in Windows and download a macro-enabled file for the Mac OS.
Launch Valorx App - From Anywhere
Launch Valorx App from anywhere will allow users to launch the app from the Home or App page in the Lightning experience. Users / Salesforce Administrators can choose Edit Page in Lightning App Builder from Settings visible on the top right or can go to Lightning App Builder to find the page from the list or can simply create another Home Page or App Page as per the requirement.
Once you are inside the Lightning App Builder you can follow the below mentioned steps to have a "Launch from CRM" Functionality:
Drag and drop “Launch Valorx App from Anywhere”.
You will get a list of properties you can configure for this Lightning Web Component
In the properties, provide an appropriate Label and select the App from the pick list.
Get the Workflow ID from Fusion Design Studio and paste that in the Workflow ID in the textbox.
Also add the static Context ID (if required), which is to be used by the Valorx Fusion App at the time of fetching the workflow results
Click Save
A button will be visible in the exact place that you have added in the layout. Go back to the page; On a click of the button, it will Launch Valorx Fusion in Windows and download a macro enabled file for the Mac OS.
Last updated