Dec 20 Release (V10)
includes Valorx Clients (Windows and Mac) and AppExchange Managed Package
Announcing Valorx Fusion – Dec 20 Release (V10)
Today we are pleased to announce the latest release of Valorx Fusion – Design Studio, all 3 Runtimes (Windows, Mac and Sheets).
This is another major release introducing bunch of latest additions like Fast Launch to launch apps from CRM faster than ever before. With this release, User can now attach documents which are Runtime ready when switched from offline to online. Support to preview User Selection query in Query Task editor and in workflow designer. Custom label for User selection query fields.
In last couple of months, we have added great content in form of video tutorials and product documentation. Checkout these resources and share your feedback to make them better.
Includes AppExchange Managed Package V1.5
1. Dynamic Domain URL New URL method introduced by Salesforce in Winter 2020, System.URL.getOrgDomainUrl(), is now used to replace string manipulation using URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl(). This will resolve issue launching Valorx Apps in Org with custom URL and issue where Visualforce URL is being passed to Valorx Home during launch from CRM.
2. Valorx App Launch APIs API to execute Valorx App Launch, VX_Cloud.LaunchApp(String AppId, String workflowId, String contextId), is added to support launching Valorx Apps from customer existing process.
3. Removal of Mode Mode parameter is removed because the VF page is now dedicated for Launch from Salesforce. Wind will be callable from a dedicated Valorx Wind package.
New in this release
1. Fast Launch There are no delays in launching when the app is launched from CRM if Excel is already running. The apps launch even faster if a connection to the CRM is connected from which the launch is initiated. In addition to this it will also pick up the first matching connection of the CRM and will make it Active.
2. Runtime ready attachments Document task has now new option named “Resume Valorx Runtime”. User can check this option to attach a runtime ready document with the ability to go from offline to online mode. To use this feature App must have “Enable Offline Mode” checked in app settings. It also requires relevant Document task to have File Format set to “Excel” and Selection must be “Workbook”. Attachments uploaded with such Document tasks prompt user to go online on opening the document so that User can resume Valorx Runtime with downloaded document.
3. User Selection Query Preview Users can now preview and get the look and feel of User Selection query task while designing the same. As and when user selects one single display field, the Preview button appears, and user can preview the query with real records.
To make it more convenient to use while creating workflows, we have also added the query preview support in workflow designer as well. The Preview button appears on mouse over of user selection query step.
4. Custom labels for User Selection Query User can change the label of User-Selection fields and same will be reflected as label for Search fields and as column name for Display fields. After changing the label user can always reset it to have original label.
5. Enhancements => Formula rows are now visible in Design studio to have better designer experience. => Latest browser used across the product. => Improved default values for query filters. => Excel focused when app is launched from CRM. => Auto-generated workflow steps are formatted in Workflow designer. => Form map validation improved. User can now plot field in First column skipping label part. It also validates if it overrides any other data in the cells. => Filter Recommendations are now supported for all query tasks in Data Modeling. => Express mode is improved to make quick changes like adding field, removing field and rearranging fields in Map from Field selection screen itself. => Extended record selection is supported to select multiple records with Shift + Arrow keys and mouse click in User selection query screen. => Login support for salesforce community users.
6. Bug Fixes => Multiple Grid maps on same sheet handled while customizing grid at runtime. => Dependent picklist values handled in User selection search filters. => Save conditions take precedence in case of error. => Session expiration handled while Promote app with improved message. => Special characters handled while creating sheets and maps in Data Modeling and Express Mode. => Hidden columns are handled after execution of User selection query. => Data model sync is improved. => Query Filter validations are improved. => IN operator support improved based on datatype of field. => Required fields removal handled in Data Modeling. => Map removal validation improved for affecting components. => Object switching handled in Add/Delete task. => Map rendering handled in case of empty data. => Switching between multiple basic workflows is handled.
Product Collaterals
Valorx Managed Package: AppExchange
Valorx App Store: Checkout the productivity Apps
Valorx for Sheets add-on: GSuite Marketplace
Valorx for Mac: Microsoft AppSource
Contact us
If you have any questions or feedback, please visit our forum or Valorx Support page. We are fully committed to enhancing and complimenting your CRM experience and look forward to hearing from you !
Last updated