Oct 22 Release (v50)
Announcing Google Sheets – Oct 22 Release (V50)
Valorx is back with another updated version of our Google Sheets with a much more enhanced user interface to make it easy for our users.
Performance Enhancement
Improved Form map and Grid Map rendering
In this release, we have tried to fix a few issues which our users faced.
Bug Fixes
Save Summary popup is not displaying data when a user tries to add a row using “Cell Reference” or “Name Ranged Reference”.
Message prompt for delete confirmation shows different record counts when some columns are hidden.
“Success” message is not showing under Transaction Status after updating the related field of the object.
Lookup name fields were not identified as changed data points while saving.
Group name is displaying on App Menu even though the “Default Visibility” flag is Off for all the ribbon buttons of that specific group.
Workflow fails to execute in some cases when a user does not have field level permission to a field used in it.
Login issue was identified for one of the users.
Last updated