Launch from Salesforce (LFS)

Launch from Salesforce (LFS) denotes a functionality enabling users to directly initiate or access specific apps from Salesforce. This feature offers a streamlined process for seamlessly transferring data from the Salesforce CRM platform to our Valorx Fusion apps, eliminating the need for additional logins.

Designers can launch an app directly from Salesforce and export CRM data to Excel, by selecting the "Launch from CRM" option in Workflow and UX. To initiate the launch, users should access Salesforce, navigate to the desired location, and click on the Custom Button / Quick Action created within Salesforce.

  • Start an App and open the Workflow and UX from Valorx Fusion Ribbon and locate Workflow Settings on the right-hand side.

  • Click on the name of the Workflow to access its settings.

  • Select the "Launch from CRM" option by checking the corresponding box.

Click on Launch from CRM instructions and a popup window “Launch from CRM instructions” page will open which guides the users on how to configure a workflow to launch it from CRM. This page will have clear instructions with examples on how to create Detail Page Buttons and also shows how to add the buttons to the page layout.

Select the object from the "Select Objects to open its Page Layouts" dropdown.

Upon clicking "Open layouts", the Designer will be redirected to Salesforce, where they can access the page layout for the selected object.

To create a Detail Page Button before adding it to the Page Layout, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Log into Salesforce using your login credentials.

  2. Navigate to Object Manager and select the relevant object from Label.

  1. On the left-hand side, click on "Button, Links, and Actions".

  2. Choose "New Button or Link" on the right-hand side.

  1. Provide a descriptive Label that explains the button and the Name will display when we do a tab.

  2. Fill in the details for Display Type, Behavior, Display Type, and Content Source in the respective fields as mentioned in the Launch from CRM instructions page.

  3. Select the object from the "Select Field Type" dropdown.

  4. Copy the URL from the Launch from CRM instructions page and paste it into Context Source.

Here are two example images illustrating the URL with and without inbound integrations.

Copy the URL with and without Inbound integrations as per the requirement.

  1. Click Check Syntax to verify any syntax errors.

  2. Click on Save.

  1. A message will appear, prompting us to add the new button to page layouts. Now, click Ok.

  1. To return to the Page Layout, you can either select "Open layouts" from the Launch from CRM instructions page or choose "Page Layout" in Salesforce.

  1. Below mentioned are the two sections where Designer should add the newly created Detail Page Buttons.

    1. For Salesforce Lightning UI, add the button to "Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions" by selecting "Mobile & Lightning Actions" from Fields.

    2. For Salesforce Classic UI, add the button to "Custom Button" by selecting " Buttons" from Fields.

  2. Click Save to finalize.

Runtime Experience on Windows Platform

Once, the Designer has completed the creation of the Detail Page Button and its addition to the Page Layout. Now, it is time to run the app by clicking on the created button for Windows.

  1. Navigate to the Sales section and either select the Object from the header or search for it. Then, click on the record to open it.

  1. On the right-hand side, choose the Detail Page Button from the dropdown menu.

  1. Confirm the popup to open up in a new window and click Open Valorx Home.

  1. Before opening the app it will perform the steps of launch and set up in Valorx Fusion, then the Runtime app will open.

The Valorx App will initiate or start from the designated Workflow where the LFC (Launch from CRM) has been set up.

Runtime Experience on Mac Platform

Once, the Designer has finished creating the Detail Page Button and adding it to the Page Layout, it is now time to run the app on Mac. Follow the steps below to run the app on the Mac platform.

  1. Navigate to the Sales section and either select the Object from the header or search for it. Then, click on the record to open it.

  1. On the right-hand side, choose the Detail Page Button from the dropdown menu.

  1. When the message "Open this page?" pops up, click on the Open button. This message displays when users have chosen the behavior to "Display in a new window".

  1. When the message below appears, click on Allow to grant permission for downloading the file.

  1. To launch the Runtime Valorx App on Mac, navigate to your downloads folder and open the downloaded file.

Launch behavior from the CRM platform exhibits variations between v1.9 and prior versions of the managed package compared to the upcoming v2.0 release. This variation is applicable for Windows and Mac platforms. For more detailed information, please refer to the release notes of the managed package for version 2.0.

Last updated