Microsoft Excel for Mac

Microsoft Excel for Mac is one of the platforms where users can run the Valorx Fusion app

Mac and Google Sheets are the two other runtime platforms that Valorx supports. Let's have a look at Mac and its installation and also know how does it work.

Visit Valorx for Mac: Microsoft AppSource for more information.

Installing Valorx Fusion for Mac

To get Valorx Fusion installed and running on your Mac, please follow the below steps.

  • Open an Excel, and click on Insert.

  • Select Get Add-ins, and click on STORE.

  • Search for Valorx and click on it.

  • Valorx for Salesforce will open once the user clicks on Valorx.

  • Click Add.

  • Follow the install process, and provide the required Credentials to get started with Valorx Fusion.

  • Once the installation is completed, open Microsoft Excel and the user should see the Valorx Fusion Ribbon tab. This means you have successfully installed Valorx on your Mac.

Connecting to Salesforce

Once the installation is completed, open Microsoft Excel, and click on Valorx Fusion Ribbon tab for getting started.

The user needs to click on Start and a Task Pane on the side will open which will have a Connections tab, Apps and App Menus tab will appear once the user is successfully authenticated.

Connections: This is used to create new connections and find any existing connections. Click on Connect button to connect with Salesforce. Users can connect to multiple Salesforce Orgs.

Apps: Users can open assigned apps from Apps List. Users can also search and find the apps from the list. Users can always create a New Copy or open the App in runtime by selecting the options.

App Menus: App Menus will open automatically when an app is opened. App Menus section will order the buttons configured for that particular app.

Features not supported by Mac



API Refresh Map Data Import Launch CRM

Workflow and UX-Toolbox-Common Tasks-Decision Rule Type

Launch Mode

Workflow and UX-Toolbox-Display

Dynamic Icons

Maps-Settings-Display Options-General

Customized Grids Allow adding dynamic columns in runtime

Inserting Row Using Right-Click Options

Inserting rows using the right-click option is one way where users will be able to insert the rows. Select one or more entire rows by moving the cursor to the row numbers. Right-click the selection and select Insert rows from the selection. Select either the row that needs to be inserted above or below the selection.

In the below image we inserted a row below E9 and when we click Save it will display the data in E10.

Formulas and default values won't be dragged to the newly inserted rows with a right-click insert, unlike Insert rows in the toolbox.

Recent Updates

  • Users will now find an option to download the file for Mac version 16.60. Previously, the file used to open automatically but due to security-related updates for v16.60 this change has taken place. Now, with v16.60 users need to manually open the file or app. Refer Mac Release Note 18 for more information on this update.

Known Issues

  • Currently, .xlsb format apps are not supported by Mac and Google Sheets in Runtime Mode. Save the app in .xlsx or .xlsm format in Design Studio to overcome this issue.

  • ".xlsm" format files are not opening in Excel for Mac for versions above 16.59. User should open the “.xlsm” file manually from the Download folder in Mac for Excel - versions above 16.59.

Last updated