Aug 20 Release (V8)
Announcing Valorx Fusion – Aug 20 Release (V8)
Announcing Valorx Fusion for Google Sheets – Aug 20 Release (V2)
Announcing Valorx Fusion for Mac – Aug 20 Release (V2)
Today we are pleased to announce the latest release of Valorx Fusion – Design Studio, all 3 Runtimes (Windows, Mac and Sheets).
We have rebranded our Windows product from "Valorx ExcelUI" to "Valorx Fusion". This is a major release introducing bunch of cool new features like Instant On to jumpstart your Valorx journey. This release features entirely new Data Modeling and Express Mode to build apps in single window - Multiple objects, connected queries and workflow. You will love our unified Workflow and UX experience to manage your Ribbon buttons and workflows. Maps also get a new Basic and Advanced mode besides a dozen new features. Macro support for Mac, cool new theme and colors across Valorx product family as well as improvements and bug fixes. See release notes to learn about these new features. Access the latest version here : Valorx client
New in this release
Instant On : Instant On allows a first time User to get started with Valorx Journey using a simple 3-step wizard. Connect to Salesforce. Valorx can temporarily host your Apps if you don’t have a managed package in your Sandbox or a Developer Org –simply register your user. And finally, configure your first App or get some from Valorx App Store. Brand New Start Screen After the onboarding flow mentioned above, on opening Start screen User gets selected apps listed in app list. List of connection will also indicate if connection is Valorx Hosted connection. Active connection will also show a small database icon representing Valorx Hosted connection. Once the managed package is installed in User’s org these all apps can easily be promoted from Valorx Hosted environment to User’s Salesforce org with the help of Promote App feature.
Refreshed Data Modeling and Express Mode : New refreshed Data Modeling provides the ability to search and add objects and fields to the app. At the same time it also provides the ability to create maps and queries for selected objects. On the right side, a workflow is being built automatically. Give this feature a try ! The snap above shows overview of some basic components marked with numbers which are as follows.
Search bar to search objects and add them to Data Modeling
Object Summary Object Summary basically shows overview of Object usage in the app. 1. Number of Fields included in the App. “FIELDS” is clickable which opens a quick popup to select additional fields to the Object. 2. Number of Query tasks created for this Object. 3. Number of Maps created for this Object. 4. You may recollect that new Data Modeling automatically creates Queries and Maps for selected objects in parallel which is then will be used to create basic workflow. The bottom part of the Object summary displays the Map details created for the Object. 5. Data Modeling creates query for selected object too and in the context of other objects and fields added it shows recommendation to add Object/Field and update the relevant query to filter the data accordingly. This bell icon indicates if such recommendation is available. 6. This link icon opens a Relationship explorer which allows User to search related Objects and add them with relevant fields to establish relationships. It also updates the query filters based on relationship. This component is explained in detail below.
Object Details Object Details is expanded when an Object is selected from Summary list. It gives more details of Object and ability to modify the Queries and Maps of that Object. 1. FIELDS section shows total no. of fields included and total no. of available fields for the Object. It also allows to add or remove fields from the “Manage Fields” link which opens Fields selection window. 2. QUERY section shows the dropdown with all the Queries of the Object and the details of the filters created for the selected query. When Data Modeling creates the Query and uses that query for the basic workflow it is marked as default. User can also modify Query. 3. MAP section shows the dropdown with all the Maps of the Object and the details of the selected Map. When Data Modeling creates the Map and uses that Map for the basic workflow it is marked as default. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS section shows the possible recommendations of either Object or Field to be included on the basis of other selected objects and fields. It also updates the query filter when recommendation is used by clicking “filter by” hyperlink. 5. Sync button allows User to sync Object with CRM to get newly added field or any other changes. 6. This link button is same Relationship walker which allows User to explore related Objects and add them.
Default Workflow This section displays the Default Workflow created using new Data Modeling screen. The sequence shows the Query sequence and Display sequence. It also provides ability to remove Object out of Default workflow and to skip creation of Map for any Object. By default it creates Display and Save workflows but can be turned off anytime. We are introducing two more components in the refreshed Data Modeling screen. Relationship Explorer As you may have seen above there is a button provided in Object Summary and Object Details to explore relationships of the selected Object. It allows user to explore Parent/Child relationship to Nth level and it also creates relationship based filter in Query task created for default workflow when relationship is included. New way to edit Form Map In new Data Modeling screen there is a new way to edit Form Map which allows user to map fields without interacting with Excel Sheet. 1. Available Field list for mapping 2. No. of columns and rows as per Layout 3. Relevant option to add either Column/Row (based on Layout)
Workflow and UX : Workflows button in App Section of Excel Ribbon is now renamed to “Workflow and UX”. This screen gives ability to change Button properties like Icon, button size and other attributes of the associated workflow. Selection in Ribbon UX or Workflows list is in sync, you can now double click any Ribbon Button or Workflow entry to open the workflow. We hope you like this unified, visual and intuitive user experience to manage Workflows. Give this feature a try ! Now you can control visibility of how Toolbox buttons would appear in Runtime.
Delete App : User can now delete the app by going in to App Details screen to delete the app.
Map Modes : New Map Modes Basic and Advanced are introduced. As the name suggest Basic mode shows the minimum required details to configure a map and Advanced mode provides detailed configuration options for advanced users. Basic mode shows basic column details only like Display, Save, Name and Location of the Field. Advanced mode shows more detailed columns to configure a field on map. In Advanced mode User can now see extra column named “Hidden”, this column provides an ability to include a field in map but it will not be displayed. With this new column added all lookup Id fields and Record Id fields will be hidden by default when a new Grid map is created.
Macro Task (Mac Runtime) : To enable support of Macro task in Mac at runtime there is a setting under App Setting to enable Macro support in Office for Mac.
Valorx Fusion for Mac: Supported Features We are announcing the release and general availability of our Valorx Fusion for Mac. Our Windows runtime, Cloud runtime “Wind” and Valorx Fusion for Google Sheets are now joined by our 4th runtime for Mac. We have single design studio and Apps are designed with the use case and functionality in mind and no runtime specific configuration is required. We will be adding more features in our Mac runtime over the upcoming releases. Below list provides the features supported in Mac runtime with this release.
Workflows with connected queries is supported. We support unlimited connected queries like other runtimes.
Cell Reference and Name Range reference queries are supported.
Display task with all the display options is supported on Mac. Works for both Form and Grid maps.
Save task is fully supported.
Macro task is also supported with the setting provided in Design studio to enable Macro for Mac under App Setting.
Dataset, Add/Delete, Refresh Ribbon and Clear Tasks are also supported.
Mac now also supports Decision and Notification tasks.
Toolbox with Insert, Clear, Delete and Lookup functions is supported. In Mac, the toolbox is shown on the Sidebar.
In addition to this We are also releasing Valorx Fusion for Google Sheets V2 with following features added.
Support for Clear task is added.
Google sheet now also supports Decision and Notification tasks.
Improvements :
Map Rendering is improved when spacer columns are included in Grid map.
Performance improvements done while applying formatting in cells.
“Transaction Status” column is now always available in Field list and removed from Display options.
Default order of the fields would be
Record type name if exists
All fields alpha sorted (A to Z)
Id field
Record type Id if exists
Lookup Id fields alpha sorted (A to Z)
New default Header color for grid map and new border style for maps.
Saving app performance improved when skip runtime sync is on.
Save succeeded for all records" if no records were found to Save for Save Results condition in Workflow Decision condition rules.
Equal and Not Equal is supported in named range filter type
When Record Id or Lookup is used along with Excel Cell Reference or Named Range Reference, a helper message will appear.
Filter section of User Selection query is now collapsible
User Selection query window can be closed even when search operation is going on.
Launch From CRM now opens maximized excel window.
App store thumbnail images improved with ability to add 10 attachments including video link.
Workflow Query Activity UI is updated to identify User Selection query from Designer itself.
Messaging window is now movable.
Fixes :
Handled special characters in dependent picklist
User selection now considers filters while global search
Designing query task handles editing of Lookup name field as filter and related fields included in search/display.
In some cases Lookup Id and Name fields were savable in Form map simultaneously which is now validated.
Insert Rows validation
Upsert Operation handled with Connect Task scenario.
The full list of features, fixes and known issues is available in Release Notes available here.
Product Collaterals
Valorx Managed Package: AppExchange
Get the latest windows client: Valorx client
Valorx for Sheets add-on: GSuite Marketplace
Valorx for Mac: Microsoft AppSource new release
Contact us
If you have any questions or feedback, please visit our forum or Valorx Support page. We are fully committed to enhancing and complimenting your CRM experience and look forward to hearing from you !
Last updated