Data Modeling
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Data Modeling plays a vital role in the initial phase of designing and developing our Valorx Fusion App in the Design Studio for Windows. It serves as the fundamental building block for the app, providing us with the capability to search for and integrate a wide range of objects and fields based on the specific requirements of our apps.
By engaging in Data Modeling, we can effectively define the structure and organization of our app's data. This process allows us to identify and select the necessary objects and fields that will form the backbone of our application's functionality.
Through Data Modeling, we gain the ability to search for and incorporate various objects that are relevant to our app's purpose. These objects may include customer data, product information, transaction records, or any other entities that are essential for the functioning of our app.
Furthermore, Data Modeling empowers us to define and configure the specific fields associated with these objects. This enables us to capture and store the required data accurately, ensuring that our app operates smoothly and efficiently.
Before starting with Data Modeling, users must ensure that they have access to the below.
To begin incorporating objects into the app, make use of the Search Objects bar. By clicking on it, you can search for the specific objects that you require.
Search Bar
Click on Search Objects bar to search for the objects which you need for the App.
Clicking on the "Fields" option will open up the object fields in Salesforce and present a comprehensive list of all the available fields. Designers have the flexibility to select fields according to their preferences, in addition to the mandatory fields. By utilizing the "Search Fields" feature, designers can conveniently search for specific fields. Moreover, they can enable or disable the required fields by simply toggling the toggler.
Once you have identified the desired object, select it and proceed by clicking on the "Save and Close" button. This action saves your chosen object and includes it in the Data Modeling.
Object Summary: The Object Summary provides users a comprehensive view of how objects are utilized within the app. It provides a clear overview of key aspects such as Fields, Queries, and Maps associated with each object. Additionally, users can easily explore the relationships of an object by clicking on the link icon. This functionality enables users to quickly navigate and understand the connections and dependencies between various objects in the app.
FIELDS: The field mentioned will display the count of fields that are included in the app. To add more fields, click on the "FIELDS" option. This action will open a pop-up window where you can select the desired fields and add them to the respective objects.
QUERY: The specified field provides information about the total number of query tasks that have been created for the corresponding object. By referring to this field, users can quickly determine the count of query tasks associated with the object or they can create the Query task by clicking on New.
MAPS: This field will show the information about the total count of maps associated with the object, enabling users to assess the extent of mapping activities performed. Additionally, users can create a new map by clicking on the "New" button associated with the field.
The Data Modeling feature automatically generates queries and maps for selected objects in parallel, which are then used to create a basic workflow. The Object summary section at the bottom displays the details of the map created for the object.
In addition to creating maps, Data Modeling also generates queries for selected objects, taking into account the context of other objects and fields that have been added. It provides recommendations to add objects/fields and update the relevant query to filter the data accordingly. These recommendations are indicated by a bell icon.
Clicking on the link icon opens a Relationship Explorer, which allows the user to search for related objects and add them with their relevant fields to establish relationships. It also updates the query filters based on the established relationships. This component provides a detailed exploration of relationships between objects and facilitates their inclusion in the workflow.
Object Details is expanded when an Object is selected from Summary list. It gives more details of the Object and ability to modify the Queries and Maps of that Object.
FIELDS section shows total number of fields included and total number of available fields for the Object. Click on Manage Fields to add or remove the fields.
QUERY section shows the dropdown with all the Queries of the Object and the details of the filters created for the selected query. When Data Modeling creates the Query and uses that query for the basic workflow it is marked as default. User can also modify Query.
MAP section shows the dropdown with all the Maps of the Object and the details of the selected Map. When Data Modeling creates the Map and uses that Map for the basic workflow it is marked as default.
RECOMMENDATIONS section shows the possible recommendations of either Object or Field to be included on the basis of other selected objects and fields. It also updates the query filter when recommendation is used by clicking “filter by” hyperlink.
Sync button allows User to sync Object with CRM to get newly added field or any other changes.
Relationships link button is same Relationship walker which allows User to explore related Objects and add them.
To delete the child object, you must delete the parent object beforehand.
In addition, the Data Modeling process automatically generates a default workflow on the right side. This workflow plays a crucial role in organizing and visually representing the different components of the app. Users have the option to either edit the default workflow or create a new workflow by deleting it and starting afresh.
This section displays the Default Workflow created using Data Modeling screen. The sequence shows the Query sequence and Display sequence. It also provides ability to remove Object out of Default workflow and to skip creation of Map for any Object. By default, it creates Display and Save workflows but can be turned off anytime.
Below warning message will display when you close the Data Modelling and when there is a default workflow is created. Click Yes in case you do not want the workflow to be saved.
Relationship Explorer
Relationship button is accessible from both the Object Summary and Object Details sections to explore relationships associated with the selected object. This button allows users to navigate and examine the parent/child relationships of the object. This Relationship Explorer will show the object's immediate parent and child objects, as well as their respective parent and child objects, and so on, depending on the specified depth or level of exploration.
It allows user to explore Parent/Child relationship to Nth level and it also creates relationship. Furthermore, when relationships are included and explored, the feature creates a relationship-based filter in the Query task. A Query task is a predefined or user-defined search or query that retrieves specific data or objects based on certain criteria. By including the relationship-based filter, the system will automatically modify or add filters to the default workflow's Query task. This modification ensures that the query includes the necessary conditions to retrieve objects associated with the explored relationships.
In the Data Modeling screen, there is a feature that allows users to edit the Form Map. This feature enables users to map fields without needing to interact directly with an Excel sheet. Select the layout which suits the requirement. Here are the key components of this feature:
Available Field list for mapping: This refers to a list of fields or data elements that are available for mapping. These fields could represent various attributes, variables, or data points that need to be associated with specific columns or rows in the Excel sheet or form. Users can do this by clicking on Fields.
Number of columns and rows as per Layout: The layout refers to the structure or arrangement of the Excel sheet or form. It determines the number of columns and rows present. This information is relevant because it helps users understand the structure of the sheet or form they are working with. Click Add Columns to add them to the Map.
Relevant option to add either Column/Row: Depending on the layout of the Excel sheet or form, users are presented with a relevant option to add either a column or a row. This option allows users to expand the structure of the sheet or form by adding additional columns or rows as needed for mapping purposes. This flexibility ensures that users can accurately map the available fields to the appropriate locations in the sheet or form.